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  • Jason Lewis

Healthy Habits That Fit Into Your Everyday Schedule

Image Source:Pexels

It's common knowledge that making healthy choices decreases the risk of illness, helps us feel happier, and live longer. But when it comes to making healthy changes individuals often struggle due to the lack of knowledge regarding how and what changes to make. In this article by SockLane we explore three simple ways you can focus on your health on a daily basis.

Prioritize Exercise

Whether working from home or the office, you spend most of your day being sedentary. As reported by MedIndia, following a sedentary lifestyle can lead to various health issues such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, spine problems, and more. To overcome these risks, experts recommend engaging in moderate physical activity for at least 150 minutes per week, which can include jogging, cycling, trekking, swimming, etc.

One of the best physical activities which help develop all muscle groups is weight training. As a beginner, you can start with simple bodyweight exercises such as planks, push-ups, squats and slowly build strength towards exercising with heavier weights. To aid your training, opt to use compression gear such as socks, sleeves, and wraps as these will provide protection against injury, improve blood flow during exercise and help reduce muscle soreness.

Fitness apps are a great resource to help you set and follow exercise goals. Depending on your goal, which can be increasing stamina, reducing weight, building muscle, etc. these apps will create an easy-to-follow personalized training routine. Additionally, it’ll track progress and motivate you to stick to the regime through constant reminders.

Practice Healthy Eating Habits

The simplest way to make a healthy lifestyle change is by improving your diet. While fast food and ready-to-eat meals are cheap, easy, and to be honest tasty, they are devoid of nutrition and provide little to no health benefits.

The first step towards eating healthy is to start reading nutrition labels when you go shopping. As reported by the FDA, nutrition labels allow customers to learn about nutrients, calories, and serving sizes of the item, enabling them to make informed food choices. While values will differ based on the type of product, opt to buy those that have low quantities of sodium, sugar, and trans fat while being high in nutrients such as protein, vitamins, and iron.

In addition, here are some healthy diet practices to follow:

● Include a variety of foods in your daily diet such as pulses, grains, meat, seafood, dairy, etc.

Cook food in unsaturated fats like olive oil and canola oil.

● Eat foods high in fiber such as avocado, bananas, carrots, and chickpeas as it’ll help keep cholesterol levels in check and improve digestive function.

Follow Your Career Goals

An effective method to judge whether your workplace is the right fit for you is to ascertain whether it is helping to achieve your career goals. A well-organized workplace with supportive colleagues and a competent leader provides the perfect environment for you to grow as a professional and make strides in your career. However, an organization with weak management and improper goals setting can lead to stress, reduction in productivity, and stagnant growth.

Additionally, on average you spend around 35-40 hours a week towards work. This involves a big investment in terms of time and effort, which should provide you with returns in terms of job satisfaction, financial safety, and self-confidence. If your work is failing to provide these, it’s important to assess your options and make a career change.

Finding a new job can be difficult, but you can increase your chances of landing a better, higher-paying position by adding a degree to your CV. When looking for degrees to pursue, choose one that complements your existing experience, which could be in marketing, psychology, supply chain management, etc. Additionally, an online degree allows you to continue earning while studying and make a smooth transition into the new role when you’re ready.

The key to attaining good health is to consistently engage in activities that promote good mental and physical wellness. While changes may not happen overnight, in the long term you will live a fitter, happier and healthier lifestyle.

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