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  • Stephanie Haywood

How to Keep Up with Your Fitness When the Gym Still Isn't an Option

With the pressures and uncertainties associated with the “new normal” of the pandemic, many people still feel adrift with their fitness goals. And even though restrictions have lifted in some areas, not everyone feels comfortable returning to the gym or yoga studio. Of course, more time indoors and the realities of working from home have also created new predicaments, and it’s easy to get sucked into snacking all day then vegging out in front of the TV after work.

What’s important to remember is that your fitness and self-care goals should still be a priority, and the trick is to find new ways to approach these goals until you can get back to in-person training and workouts. Not sure how? Check out the following suggestions to help you reclaim your routines until you’re ready to head back to the gym.

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Try YouTube or Streaming Workouts

If your gym or yoga studio has reopened or you’d prefer to stay at home for now, there’s a wide array of home-fitness streaming options.

Set Up a Home Gym or Yoga Space

A spare bedroom, basement, garage, or rarely used dining room could all function as an at-home fitness space.

Make It Easy to Stick to Healthy Eating Habits

Pair your fitness routine with a healthy diet. You’ll get a lot more out of your workouts if you eat healthy.

Keep Up with Your Self-Care

Exercising will help relieve stress, but there are other steps you can take.

During the pandemic, you still need to keep your self-care and fitness goals top of mind. By maintaining routines and habits, you’ll be better equipped mentally and physically when the time comes for a return to “normal.”

Photo by Pexels



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